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RESULTS: Accident Involving Injury Client came to Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys looking for zealous advocacy and reduction of charges in a felony accident. Our criminal defense attorney investigated the incident, pushed the state multiple times to provide additional evidence, and secured a negotiated, non-convicted plea for the client with an option for early release with…

RESULTS: Major Prison Sentence Avoided – Single Digit Solution The client’s mother came to us scared that her daughter’s court-appointed attorney was not researching, investigating, and mitigating the client’s case appropriately. The client had been to prison before, and was still on parole, but broken over her methamphetamine addiction. The client knew she was facing…

RESULTS: Supervision Continued Client came to us with a Motion to Adjudicate/Revoke her probation because she failed to keep her alcohol monitoring device in compliance. Our criminal defense attorney quickly developed a plan for the client to address the non-compliance, made contact with the probation department to get the client in good standing, & coordinated…

RESULTS: Our client faced a felony motion to adjudicate & revoke drug possession probation because of continued illegal drug use & other violations. She had been given many opportunities to address her problem since being placed on probation but continued violating because of her addiction. The county probation department had used what they thought were…

RESULTS: No Charges Filed in Failure To Report An upstanding, law-abiding, and anxious client came to us because a rural police department accused him of failing to report a vehicle accident. The officer would not accept our client’s evidence showing he had followed the law set out in the Texas Transportation Code. Criminal defense attorney…

RESULTS: Pre-trial Diversion was obtained. This was for our client who was charged with False Report to a Police Officer, a Class A Misdemeanor carrying up to 1 year in county jail & up to a $4,000 fine. She had never been in trouble before, and had stellar service & work experience. She simply made…

RESULTS: Second Chances: Dismissing Felony Drug MTR A Client came to us with a serious first-degree felony drug Motion to Adjudicate (probation seeking to revoke a deferred probation/also known as a motion to revoke “MTR”) probation out of one county because of a new felony drug arrest in another county. However, the client: Had repented…

RESULTS: Resisting State Standard Offer Client was arrested for a misdemeanor Resisting Arrest charge after a tussle with police. Police were called out to an alleged domestic disturbance & came in hot assuming the worst based on previous calls. Police escalated the interaction with our client, but our client admitted she could have handled her…

RESULTS: The client was arrested for felony DWI & was carrying her pistol upon arrest. Her driver’s license was suspended by DPS through their civil suspension penalties when law enforcement confirms an individual may have been driving while intoxicated. Blizzard and Zimmerman’s criminal defense attorneys reviewed the police video & offense report evidence with the…

RESULTS: Felony Sex Offenses: Client Get Outcome She Was Looking For Felony sexual offenses are the types of cases where the allegations are serious, often heartbreaking, & are sensitive to all involved. At Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys we seek to strike a balance of constitutional protection of our clients but we also respect victim trauma….

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