Federal criminal appeal attorneys located in Texas
Are you wrongly convicted of federal criminal charges? Put your trust in Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys. We are here to fight for your justice and ensure a well researched and presented appeal.

Our team of experienced federal post-conviction criminal appeal attorneys is ready to take on your case and work to help correct any mistakes made during your prosecution and trial in federal court.

Federal Post-Conviction Criminal Appeal Attorneys

The U.S. criminal justice system isn’t perfect. Innocent individuals can be found guilty and wrongfully convicted of more serious crimes than they actually committed. If you or your loved one is facing this situation, our skilled appeals lawyers can help. We have never been prosecutors, we have always been firmly on the side of criminal defense at both the state and federal levels.

Don’t wait. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and discover how we can assist you with your federal criminal appeal. Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys have a proven track record, with various awards and national recognitions, demonstrating our dedication and expertise in the field.

Trust us to prepare persuasive appellate briefs, 2255 motions, and present compelling legal arguments in US federal appeals. We are ready to fight for your justice.

Our attorney’s backgrounds and our teamwork provide the ability to challenge any type of case on appeal, no matter how complex. Our principal attorney, Jacob Blizzard, has achieved numerous successes on appeal, and he is respected among her peers as a strong appellate advocate.

Jacob Blizzard is one of 87 attorneys out of 100,000 attorneys in the state of Texas who is board certified in both Criminal Law and Criminal Appellate Law.

As an experienced specialist, Jacob will listen to you carefully and work to bring every fact that may have been previously overlooked to the attention of the federal judges. His investigations are thorough and his findings could set you free.

Jacob regularly practices in the Texas state and US federal appeals legal system. If your sentence violates the sentencing guidelines, or you were convicted because of a faulty arrest procedure, incorrect investigation or evidence tampering, the negligence of your original lawyer, or jury error, you deserve justice.

Jacob Blizzard has experience in arguing cases in oral argument before the Courts of Appeals in both Texas state and US federal courts.

Experienced Team of Attorneys

The team of Blizzard and Zimmerman post-conviction attorneys have extensive experience preparing appellate briefs, 2255 motions, and presenting compelling legal arguments in US federal appeals.

In a federal case, you have one year of the written date on the judgment and sentence to file for post-conviction relief. This timeline is VERY important.

If your conviction was decided after a jury trial, there can be a variety of grounds for filing an application for a writ of habeas corpus.

For a guilty plea, you – the defendant – may have waived your right to bring post-conviction relief.

When a federal criminal defendant is found guilty at trial, they have the right to appeal their conviction.

An appellate hearing is not a re-trial of the case.

Instead, it is a review of the trial transcript to see if any errors were made that would warrant overturning the conviction. Appellate lawyers must be well-versed in the law, as they will be arguing the interpretation of the law before a panel of judges.

They must also have excellent research and writing skills, as they will be filing briefs outlining their arguments.

Finally, appellate lawyers must be able to make persuasive oral arguments; this requires knowing not only the law but also how to craft an argument that will persuade the judges to see things your client’s way. Federal criminal defense attorneys who specialize in appellate law are often some of the best in the business, as they have the skills and experience necessary to secure a favorable outcome for their clients.

When you have been convicted of a federal crime, you should choose a firm that uses a team of attorneys, headed by a lawyer who is dual Texas Board of Legal Specialization certified in criminal trial law and criminal appellate law.

The Federal Criminal Appeal Clock is Ticking

Federal criminal cases require unique attention to detail and knowledge of the federal criminal system, which moves very quickly.

In a federal case, you are required to file for postconviction relief within one year of the written date on the judgment and sentence in your case.

Because federal law can be complex and because federal investigations are conducted by some of the toughest law enforcement agencies in the country, your case will benefit from the assistance of our law firm.

Our team has the experience required to give you the best representation possible. We serve clients in the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit along with the U.S. Supreme Court, and throughout Texas.

Attorney Matt Zimmerman has qualified for placement on the Criminal Justice Act Panel of attorneys. He receives federal criminal cases by appointment from the Federal District Court of the Northern District of Texas. Attorney Sarah Durham, and Morgan Walker represent clients in federal court cases. Sarah and Morgan work daily on briefs to courts of appeals throughout Texas or submit petitions for discretionary review to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. They also work on federal criminal appeals.

Post Conviction Options

It’s  it is so important to hire an experienced criminal appeals attorney to handle your post-conviction options which could include:

  • Habeas Corpus Relief
  • Motions to Reduce Sentences
  • Motions for New Trial
  • Vacate a Previous Conviction
  • Motion to Overturn Judgment
  • Federal Commutations
  • State Commutations
  • Federal and State Clemency
  • Pardons

Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys work hard to protect your rights. We urge you to speak with us as soon as possible so you may get the experienced legal advice you need.

Put our team of federal criminal appeal attorneys to work for you, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We represent clients across the state of Texas and the United States.

Federal proseuctors are beatable, learn 3 secrets for freedom from federal prison

Free Guide on Federal Appeals

Federal prosecutors are beatable! Criminal and Post Conviction Attorney Jacob Blizzard has written a free guide to the federal appeal process.

The guide called “Winning Freedom from Federal Prison 3 Secrets Prosecutors Don’t Want You To Know That Can Overturn a Conviction or Sentence” gives insight into the federal criminal appeal process nationwide.

In this free guide, Jacob Blizzard, a Board Certified Criminal Appellate Attorney, discusses:

  • Pleading guilty and waiving your appellate rights doesn’t keep you from challenging your conviction.
  • Ineffective assistance of counsel is a powerful ground.
  • Mistakes made in presentence reports and sentencing presentations.

Click here to get this FREE Guide

You can also contact our lawyers for further information about federal criminal appeals.

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