And a conviction for a sex crime carries serious consequences here in Texas that can include:
- Time in a county jail or a Texas prison
- Lifetime Sex offender Registration, and
- The loss of your civil rights – including gun rights.
From our experience, we know that law enforcement arrests people based on a number of things including:
- False accusations,
- Mistaken identities,
- And even innocent misunderstandings.
The attorneys of Blizzard and Zimmerman fight hard for our client’s rights. View our strong record of results for our clients accused of sex crimes.
If you are charged, have been requested to be interviewed by law enforcement, or believe you are going to be charged it is crucial that you consult with legal counsel as soon as possible.
The penalties for sex crimes in Texas are harsh from a misdemeanor with a maximum fine of $500 to first and second-degree felonies with penalties ranging from 5-99 years imprisonment and fines of up to $10,000.
The offenses are outlined in the Texas Penal Code Chapter 21.
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network- RAINN also has a document outlining possible charges and possible punishment in Texas.
Contact our attorneys today to schedule a confidential consultation to will meet with you, review your case and help you understand your charges.
Sex Crime Offenses Are Serious in Texas
Sexual assault
Commonly known as rape, this charge occurs when a person intentionally and knowingly engages in sexual conduct with another person without that person’s consent.
Aggravated sexual assault
This charge involves sexual assault plus bodily injury, or attempts to cause the death of the victim. It also includes threats in the presence of the victim to cause death, serious injury, or kidnapping. If a deadly weapon or “date rape” drug is used, this charge applies.
Improper teacher/student relationship
If an individual is employed by a primary or secondary school and engages in sexual contact with a person enrolled at the school, and is not a spouse of the employee.
Aggravated kidnapping
This charge involves intent to sexually violate a minor.
Indecency with a minor
If an individual engages in sexual contact with a minor.
Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault.
If a person acted with knowledge or intent to cause the penetration of a minor by any means or causes a child to engage in sexual contact, this charge may be filed. This charge may be filed if, upon burglarizing a residence or structure, an individual commits a sexual offense with a minor.
Public lewdness
If a person engages in acts of sexual contact or intercourse with a person, bird, or animal in a public place, or is reckless as to whether another person present will be offended.
Indecent exposure
An individual could face this charge if they expose themselves with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desires of any person, and is reckless as to whether another person present will be offended.
This charge is filed when an individual observes another person without their consent with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of the individual. The person being observed has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Invasive video recording
If an individual has the intent to disclose visual material with intimate parts exposed or sexual acts being shown without the consent of the depicted person, this charge may be filed.
Unlawful dissemination of intimate visual content
This offense applies to video, photographs, or transmissions of invasive video recordings.
Prohibited sexual conduct
If an individual engages in sexual conduct with an ancestor, relative, or descendant, this charge may be filed.
If a person engages in sexual conduct for a fee or publicly solicits sexual conduct for a fee, this charge applies. Those who promote prostitution may also face charges.
If an individual promotes or distributes obscene material, or participates in obscene performances, this charge may be filed.
Prostitution or sex trafficking
This charge involves an individual causing a minor or minors to commit prostitution.
Sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to a minor. If a person sells, distributes, or displays sexually explicit material, or hires a minor to help in the sale and distribution.
Possession of child pornography
An individual may be charged with a sex crime if they knowingly or intentionally possess visual material depicting a minor engaging in sexual conduct.
Recent Texas Sex Offender Law Changes
Now anyone with an adjudication or sex offender conviction on or after September 1, 1970, MUST register with the Texas Sex Offender Registry regardless of whether he or she was in the registration system as of September 1, 1997.
NOTE >>> We have been seeing a number of new cases lately of persons who have failed to register properly.
Contact us today to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a Blizzard and Zimmerman lawyer to review your case, or if you have failed to properly register, so we may review your options for defense, and go over your concerns.