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What can you do after reaching a plea bargain with the state, pled guilty, and in prison or on probation, and waived your right to appeal? Remember, a Writ of Habeas Corpus is different from an appeal. So even if you waive your right to appeal your case on direct appeal to the court of…

Is it possible to file an 11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus after entering a plea bargain? That means, you’ve gone to court, entered a plea of guilty, and had an agreed sentence. The agreed sentence is a part of what you’re serving now. However, many people often think that there’s nothing you can do. You’re…

Now that you’ve gone through the Writ of Habeas Corpus process, what happens next? You’ve got your conviction and sentence overturned, then what are you left with? Effectively when you get your sentence or your conviction overturned, you are sent back for a new trial, so unless you were found actually innocent through the RIP…

Now that you’ve hired an attorney, what happens between the hiring and filing of the application? This article is going to unveil that secret. The attorney is going to know as much as they can about the prospective client by doing just a little bit of research, just on what the client was convicted of,…

So you’ve been accused and convicted of a crime, and your case is on an appeal and you’re about to stand trial. If you’ve been charged with a federal crime, you’re probably wondering what kind of sentence you’re facing. The truth is, the vast majority of federal criminal defendants plead guilty- in fact, about 94…

When it comes to hiring an attorney to work for you in your case, there are essentially two things to think about. First, what qualifications should you be on the lookout for (of course, you want to hire an attorney with excellent qualifications). Secondly, what should you expect when you have hired the attorney? Why…

  Even the most amicable divorce can be taxing on multiple levels. If you are facing a divorce, it is especially important to get your financial affairs in order and get to organizing your finances during a divorce to prepare for the times ahead. Untangling two people’s finances is complicated, and each situation is unique….

Did you know that deadly weapon finding can be a misused tool used to increase the mandatory time you must serve in prison before you’re eligible for release on parole? If you or your loved one is convicted and later discovers that your case has deadly weapon findings on it, it’s not over yet. Here’s…

There are grounds that you can assert in 11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus to seek freedom from prison, even if what you did that resulted in your incarceration was a plea bargain, trial, or an open plea. What you should do is to file an 11.07 for the right constitutional type ground. For example, the…

The timeline of the 11.07 writ of habeas corpus application varies widely. From the time you file your writ to the time that you get resolution in your (or loved one’s) case could be as much as two years. It may be as little as three to four months. There are cases that resolve quickly….

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