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The subject of death and our own mortality are difficult topics for many people, but it’s important to talk about what happens when someone passes away without a will. It’s especially challenging when it happens to a loved one, and it’s even more challenging when they lived here in Texas. There are specific laws in…

RESULTS: Burglary of a Habitation Case Rejected. Charge: Burglary of a Habitation Our client faced accusations of Burglary of a Habitation With Intent to Commit Assault, which is a 1st degree felony. The allegations involved breaking into the house of an acquaintance and assaulting him. Despite the client’s firm denials, the situation took a darker…

Myths about Texas appeals are confusing. Have you ever wondered what happens when someone is found guilty of a crime here in Texas, but they believe that the system got it wrong? For those in Texas, the appeals process is an option, but there are myths surrounding it that can prevent people from pursuing it….

Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys Abilene Texas