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Winning Brady Claims

We’ve had a number of successful winning cases for appeals that have pivoted on Brady evidence, so we want to look at some examples of these claims.

Brady evidence is evidence that is exculpatory or mitigating.

  • Exculpatory evidence is evidence that tends to show that you are not guilty of the offense.
  • Mitigation evidence is evidence that tends to show that you would’ve received a lighter sentence if convicted.

Brady evidence is important because it can help to show that you are not guilty of the offense or that you would’ve received a lighter sentence if convicted. If you’re accused of a crime, you should always ask your lawyer about Brady evidence and make sure that it’s been researched and included in your case.

Brady evidence has been decided by the Supreme Court of the United States where they’ve said this is the type of evidence that if you have it in your case and you produce it in a writ application, this will overturn your case.

Examples of Winning Brady Claims

  • The government failing to disclose impeachment evidence when they promised immunity to a witness in exchange for testimony.
  • The police failing to disclose eyewitness testimony that contradicted another witness’ testimony which would have tended to show the person was not guilty of the offense.
  • Prosecution team purposely misrepresenting pants as having bloodstains on them, when in fact, the stains were from paint.
  • The failure to reveal an immunity deal with a witness.
  • Failure to produce CPS records that contained exculpatory materials.
  • and more as I explain in the video below.

Do you know how what Brady evidence is and how it can work in your 11.07 writ of habeas corpus case?

Brady evidence is one of the key factors in getting released from prison and Jacob Blizzard, Board Certified Criminal Law and Criminal Appeal Attorney, tells you how it has been used in previous cases to great success.

Winning Brady Claims - Examples of Winning 11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus Cases

So that prompts this question for you again, Do you really know how what Brady evidence is and how it can work in your 11.07 writ of habeas corpus case here in Texas?

If you have any questions about this or your loved one’s case, send Jacob and his appeals team an email at today.

Related Links-

Finding and Using Brady Material

Legal Information Institute – Brady Rule

About The Attorney

Jacob Blizzard Criminal Defense Attorney

Jacob Blizzard is board certified in both criminal law and criminal appellate law.

He regularly practices in the areas of state and federal criminal defense, criminal appeals, post conviction writs of habeas corpus.

In Texas, there are more than 100,000 attorneys licensed to practice, but only 7,450 are board certified.

In the entire State of Texas, as of the 2019 certification year, there were only 87 attorneys board certified in both criminal law and criminal appellate law, making Mr. Blizzard one of 0.087% of attorneys in Texas to hold both of those certifications.

Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys Abilene Texas