Texas law does outline strict deadlines in which to file your personal injury claim if you’ve been injured in an accident involving a semi tractor-trailer unit or any commercial vehicle.
Call us today so we can make sure your legal rights are protected and these timelines are not overlooked.
Truck crash injures can be serious and result in lost work, lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering that affect both you and your family.
It can be especially difficult to deal with all of these factors on your own. With you finding an experienced truck crash lawyers at Blizzard & Zimmerman, you won’t have to. Early in his legal career, lead attorney Jacob Blizzard worked for an insurance company and he knows first hand how they want to handle a claim so they work to pay out a minimal amount of monetary relief.
If you’ve been seriously injured in a truck accident in Texas, you might be wondering what the insurance claim process is like.
You might also wonder whether the settlement that is being offered by the commercial truck’s insurance companies is fair and just.
What is your Truck Crash Injury claim worth?
It’s best to seek out the advice of an attorney to help as insurance companies are looking out for the commercial businesses’ interests, not yours.
So the insurance settlement process is already stacked against you without legal help.
There are also important matters to consider if you have become disabled as a result of a commercial trucking accident.
Call today and contact the experienced injury attorneys at Blizzard and Zimmerman for a free review of your personal injury case.
Together we’ll work to get you the compensation you deserve.
Results link-
Blizzard and Zimmerman – $1.2 Million Settlement in Church Bus Accident