Motion to Revoke Probation

RESULTS: Second Chances: Dismissing Felony Drug MTR

A Client came to us with a serious first-degree felony drug Motion to Adjudicate (probation seeking to revoke a deferred probation/also known as a motion to revoke “MTR”) probation out of one county because of a new felony drug arrest in another county.

However, the client:

  • Had repented from his former life
  • Was now sober,
  • Engaging in his recovery,
  • And taking positive life steps.

Our criminal defense attorney gathered evidence of his client’s life change, explained the situation to the probation officer, counseled the client on action to take, and successfully secured the dismissal of the revocation.

Our attorney then reviewed the evidence in the new case, counseled the client on available legal options, and ultimately secured a non-convicted supervision period that fell within the same time limits as the motion to revoke, BUT also secured a 50% reduction in the client’s supervision fee.

The client was thrilled to no longer have the uncertainty hanging over his head so he could walk in freedom—not just legally, but in his personal life too![/column]


Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys work tirelessly to achieve the greatest possible results for each of our clients and their families. This is one of our successful results, settlements, and verdicts. Every case and client is unique and depends upon the individual facts and circumstances of each case. Clients may or may not obtain the same or similar results in each case.