Sarah Durham Criminal Defense and Criminal Appeal Attorney Abilene TX Reckless Homicide Arson Crime Federal Criminal Defense Attorney courthouse attorney legal law lawyer counselor Blizzard and Zimmerman Abilene Texas law firm judge state bar appeals writ habeas corpus sentencing judge courthouse legal law counselor probation jail prison jury guilty innocent burglary robbery theft crime pretrial diversion habitual offender forgery murder trial felony misdemeanor minor offense order of nondisclosure DUI DWI involuntary manslaughter indecency with a child, sex crimes, assault, violence 11.07 writ of habeas corpus, trusted reputable respectful


Tel: 325-230-2751


Criminal Appeal →
Habeas Corpus 11.07 →
Post-Conviction Appeal →
Amendment 821 →


University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law –
Doctor of Jurisprudence

University of Texas at Tyler –
Master of Education

University of North Texas –
Bachelor of Arts, Literature


At the helm of our post-conviction division, Sarah Durham is a beacon of hope for those who seek it most. Under her stewardship, the division has reached significant milestones, tirelessly advocating for those unjustly behind bars. Armed with her law degree and a master’s in education, Sarah’s approach intertwines legal principle with human compassion, recognizing the individual stories behind legal petitions.

Sarah is a former high school English teacher equipped with a master’s degree in Education along with her Juris Doctorate, possesses an unwavering dedication to the realm of research and writing within Texas and US Federal criminal defense, as well as criminal appellate and post-conviction writ work.

Harnessing her skills, Sarah consistently employs her adeptness at conveying intricate concepts in an understandable manner while advocating ardently on behalf of her clients. In February 2024, Sarah was elevated to Partner with the Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys law firm in a testament to her efforts in seeking freedom for persons convicted of Texas state and federal crimes.

Being an attorney, and a criminal defense attorney at that, Sarah knows that her news to clients is not always happy, and conversations can begin or grow emotional. So, when she consults with prospective clients, or speaks to current clients her goal is to provide a positive moment in their day, even if what they’re talking about is anything but.

Maybe that just looks like talking through an issue a few times, listening for longer than might be necessary, or sending a letter or scheduling a phone to let them know that while things may still be the same in their case, thinking about it, working on it, and she has them on her mind that day.


Sarah’s practice focuses on appellate advocacy.

She daily works on preparing briefs to be filed in 1 of the 15 intermediate Courts of Appeals across Texas or to 1 of the 2 Supreme Court of Texas—the Texas Supreme Court, or, more often, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Sarah also focuses on and can often be found working on post-conviction writs of habeas corpus, including 11.07; new evidence; and other extraordinary writings for post-conviction relief.

Sarah does write a lot and gets to go to court now and again for oral argument, evidentiary hearings, and new trial hearings.

Review some of the results that Sarah has attained for her Texas state and US Federal criminal law clients.

Federal Courts of Admittance

  • Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
  • Texas Northern District Court


  • Federal Criminal Cases
  • Texas Criminal Cases
  • Direct Appeals
  • 11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus (Texas state and Federal)
  • Non-Disclosures
  • Expunctions
  • Sealing Records
  • Release from Sex Offender Registration Requirements
  • Early Release from Probation


Sarah grew up in Decatur, Texas, a quintessential small Texas town replete with a vibrant downtown square; community-attended Friday night football; and one of the prettiest courthouses in the State.

She’s a second career attorney after being a high school English teacher for close to a decade. She gained a valuable and transferrable skill set from her years in the classroom—learning, teaching, debating, and negotiating with ever-clever students.

As a criminal defense attorney, Sarah enjoys helping others when life’s legal issues require both skill and compassion.

When she’s not lawyering, she loves to garden, pretends to be a runner, and spends time with her husband, Josh, and their children, Taylor, Ella, and Ronan.


A graduate of the University of North Texas and the University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law, Sarah focused primarily on appellate advocacy, enjoying internships and clerkships at US Federal and Texas state courts of appeal.

Sarah also served for two years as one of the founding officers of UNT’s Christian Legal Society .

In February 2023, Sarah was named as an Advisory Member of the Big Country Reentry Coalition and she serves as the groups Treasurer.

University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law
• Doctor of Jurisprudence
• Dean’s List
• Teaching Fellow
• Student Volunteer: Legal Hospice; Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program; Dallas ISD
• Focused Education: Appellate Law; Civil Settlements; Mediation; Labor and Employment Law

Career Highlights
High School English Teacher
• Decatur TX High School
• Hallsville TX High School

Judicial Intern
• Northern District of Texas, Federal Magistrate Judge Irma Ramirez, Dallas, TX

Judicial Intern
• Second District Court of Appeals, Chief Justice Terrie Livingston (ret.), Fort Worth, TX

Legal Intern
• Department of Labor, Solicitor’s Office, Dallas, TX

Law Clerk
• Fifth District Court of Appeals, Dallas, TX

Awards and Honors
• The Honorable Barbara MG Lynn Inn of Court, Pupil
• Teaching Fellow
• Dean’s List
• Student Volunteer: Legal Hospice; Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program; Dallas ISD

• Board Member and Treasurer of Big County Reentry Coalition
Christian Legal Society : Inaugural Class
State Bar of Texas Pro Bono College Member 2021



  • Current Innocence for Lawyers, sponsored by Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Austin
  • 2024 Robert O. Dawson Conference on Criminal Appeals – University of Texas Law
  • The Dual Nature of Applying AI in the Practice of Law


  • Non-Capital Habeas Conference – Portland, OR / Administrative Office of the US Courts Defender Services Office Training Division
  • Defending Sex Crime Allegations: Adults and Children


  • Advanced Criminal Law
  • Annual Federal Criminal Practice Seminar
  • Top 10 Appellate Advocacy Moments in Film
  • The Red, Writ, and Blue: Post Conviction Writs
  • Bail Reform – Part 1
  • 2022 Conference on Criminal Appeals
  • Social Media Evidence


  • Mining the Golden Nuggets of Federal Practice
  • 2021 Conference Criminal Appeals
  • An Evening with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
  • Post-Conviction and Parole
  • ESupplement to 2020 Conference on Criminal Appeals
  • 2020 Robert O. Dawson Conference on Criminal appealsPost-Conviction and Parole
  • Justice James A. Baker Guide to Ethics and Professionalism
  • Understanding Expunctions and Disclosures
  • Supplement to 2020 Conference on Criminal Appeals


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