Expungement is a means of cleaning up your criminal record if you’re still paying the consequences for a mistake you made years ago.
Having a criminal record not only can make it difficult for you to find a job, but it can also:
- Make it really difficult to establish credit,
- Get an apartment,
- Or even qualify for assistance with higher education.
Expungement is intended to get rid of or clear the record of a wrongfully arrested person, so an expunged record is no longer visible to the general public.
There are many types of records that can be expunged here in Texas.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Our criminal defense lawyer team can assist you with cases involving Texas state charges here at Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys.
Call today to schedule a confidential consultation to review your record and talk to you about what expunging will do for you.
What Crimes May Be Expunged?
Both Texas misdemeanors and felonies can be expunged if:
The felony charge was dropped or dismissed without action (in most cases);
- You went to trial and were acquitted of the offense;
- You were convicted of the charge, but later found to be innocent by a court; or.
- You were pardoned of the offense by the Governor of Texas.
Most offenses that involve children, sexual assault, and violent acts are not eligible for record sealing in Texas.
Also, offenders with a DWI, Driving While Intoxicated, are not eligible to have their offense sealed from their criminal record.
Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 55.01 outlines the law on expungement, more commonly known in legal terms as expunction of criminal records.
The criminal law attorneys of Blizzard and Zimmerman can help with all expungement instances:
- Expunctions after acquittal
- Acquittal on appeal or pardon
- Expunction for cases never filed
- Expunction on Prosecuting Attorney’s recommendation
- Juvenile offenses
- Expunction of records by a close relative
- Nondisclosure orders
The expungement process can take many months from the time of filing until the records are destroyed.
However, once you receive the signed order of expungement from the judge, you are free to answer “no” if asked on a job application, or by a prospective employer, whether you have ever been arrested for a misdemeanor or felony.
What if I Don’t Qualify?
If you don’t qualify for expungement, you may still be able to limit access to your criminal record by seeking an “order of non-disclosure” which seals your criminal record from the public.
The record is still available on a limited basis to several governmental agencies.
Criminal lawyer Sarah Durham looks Expungement and Nondisclosures:
Our expungement lawyers have handled a number of expunction cases, recently including:
- A case that was successfully expunged for a client who was arrested for Driving Under the Influence as a Minor.
- Charges were successfully expunged for a client who was originally arrested for Sexual Performance by a Child.
- We obtained non-disclosure of three of the offenses and expunction of the remaining arrest/offense for a client who had five past arrests and offenses.
Call Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys today for a case review on the possible expungement of your record.
Related Resources –
The Texas Young Lawyers Association and the State Bar of Texas have more information on expunctions in Texas. You may download it here.
American Bar Association- What is Expungement?
The Big Country Reentry Coalition in the Abilene area helps plan an annual Expunction Clinic.