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Secual Abuse

Not Guilty Verdict in a jury trial on mandatory 25-year sentence sexual abuse charges

The client was charged with 3 counts of sex abuse.

Mr. Blizzard defended the Client in a 4-day jury trial against sexual abuse allegations brought by his child’s mother.

Mr. Blizzard confronted the evidence head-on and exposed that the child had fabricated vague allegations of sexual abuse under the mother’s coaching and ensured the jury followed the presumption of innocence, securing a not guilty verdict on all charges.

Motion to Revoke Felony Probation Not True Finding

“Not true” finding in a motion to revoke felony probation where a new sex offense was alleged.

Client was accused of a sexual abuse offense as a violation of his felony probation.

Through a contested trial before the judge, the judge in the case found the allegation “not true.”

Mr. Blizzard vigorously defended the Client in a lengthy proceeding before the judge, where the burden of proof for revocation is a lower preponderance of the evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt.

Still, Mr. Blizzard prevailed by presenting conclusive evidence of coaching by the child’s mother and focusing the Court’s attention on the vagueness of the allegations and timeline.

Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys Abilene Texas