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Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys are proud co-sponsors of the Big Country Reentry Coalition FIRST EVER Expunction Clinic in Abilene TX.

This event is coming up on Friday, April 29th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be a morning and afternoon session.

The last date to register is Friday, April 22, 2022.

The Abilene Expunction Clinic will help people clear eligible Texas criminal records through expunction and/or nondisclosure.

There will be Blizzard and Zimmerman attorneys on hand along with supervised law student volunteers who will draft petitions for expunction and nondisclosure for eligible charges.

See the post to see if you meet the eligibility requirements, these must be met in order for you to even be considered for the process.

You may be eligible to participate in this clinic if you have criminal records in Texas and:

  • You were arrested but never formally charged in court.
  • The charges against you were ultimately dismissed.
  • You were acquitted/found not guilty at trial.
  • You completed a pretrial intervention or diversion program.
  • You have an unlawful carry of a weapon conviction.
  • You have a first misdemeanor conviction.
  • You successfully completed deferred adjudication community supervision.

If you meet the requirements then…

  • The first step is to obtain your DPS Criminal History Report ($25.53) at this link:
  • If you need reimbursement for this cost or need help with the application please call Goodwill-West Texas at (325) 676-7925, do not call our offices.
  • To submit your application for the clinic, please follow the instructions listed in this form:


  • If we are able to assist you, you will receive an email with further instructions and a Statement of Understanding to sign electronically.
  • You must sign the Statement of Understanding to participate in the clinic.

This event is co-sponsored by Big Country Reentry Coalition, Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys, Texas Center for Justice & Equality, Goodwill-West Texas, Legal Aid of Northwest Texas, and the Texas Fair Defense Project.


More information from the Big Country Reentry Coalition:

Expungement Clinic

Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys Abilene Texas