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Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys are proud co-sponsors of the Big Country Reentry Coalition FIRST EVER Expunction Clinic in Abilene TX. This event is coming up on Friday, April 29th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be a morning and afternoon session. The last date to register is Friday, April 22, 2022. The Abilene…

The recent icy weather conditions in Abilene have resulted in more business for the local emergency centers with people slipping and falling on the ice. At Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys, our experienced slips and falls attorneys know these are serious injuries, and while a video showing a fall may show up on Tick Tok, Snapchat,…

Typically you file the federal 2255 Writ after your conviction is final; however, there are circumstances where you may file the 2255 Writ before your conviction is final. When your conviction is final, it means that your direct appeal has already been filed and you were denied relief, and it also could mean that your…

There are many things that happen after you file your federal 2255 Writ application that you should know about to better your chances of success in seeking freedom for your loved one. Usually, the first step that occurs after the 2255 Writ is filed is that the court examines the writ. The examination is usually…

Blizzard and Zimmerman Attorneys Abilene Texas